In operation since 1983, the Bigfork Food Bank distributes both donated and purchased food to more than 550 people a year, in the Bigfork area. As a nonprofit, tax exempt, all volunteer organization, the goal of the food bank is to provide basic nutritional support to those in need. Families whose average income falls below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines are eligible for food bank assistance.
The food bank is supported entirely by community donations.
The Bigfork Food Bank is open EVERY Tuesday, except Holidays. The first and third Tuesdays of the month we are open from 4PM to 6PM; and the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month from 9AM to 1PM. For months that have a fifth Tuesday, we are open from 3:30-6:00PM. Special schedules serve holiday clients in November and December. For details, see the calendar.
The Bigfork Food Bank depends on volunteers and community donations.
There is no funding from state or local governments.100% Volunteer Staff
All donations go directly to the operations and distribution of food for our community.
45 Tons Distributed Food
The Bigfork Food Bank distributed 97,903 pounds of groceries to community members in 2023.
1571 Household Distributions
The Bigfork Food Bank carried out 1,571 Household Distributions in 2023.
5,279 Volunteer Hours
Our volunteers donated 5,279 hours of labor in 2023.
Donate Now
You can help us continue to assist families and individuals in need. We accept online donations to make giving to your neighbors even easier, or use our handy printable form for sending in checks and money orders. Your donation is tax deductible.
Bigfork Food Bank – Facebook