Food Collection Events

We’d like to thank local businesses and groups who support the Bigfork Food Bank with donations of meat from the NW Montana Fair.  Some of our donations came from: Glacier Bank, First Interstate Bank, Bigfork Rodeo, Flathead Electric, Lodge Pole, and North Western Energy. We are very grateful!

Local groups and businesses often sponsor food collection events. Some companies, organizations, and individuals host gatherings at which patrons, employees, or guests are encouraged to donate food.

Businesses, churches, service clubs, and individuals also collect cash contributions. Monetary donations help support food purchases and defray operating costs.



Two Rivers Pickleball Club Fundraiser was held July 22, 2022.  All proceeds benefiting Bigfork and Flathead Food Banks. Over $3200 was raised to support both Food Banks! 

Volunteers spent all summer selling tickets to raffle off this beautiful quilt that was lovingly made by the late Nita Stilkey, a long-time, faithful, Food Bank Volunteer.

Amy Collett of Mountain Vibes Bigfork graciously hosted the quilt in her shop all summer and helped sell raffle tickets. The quilt raffle was held right after Labor Day and $1000 was raised and donated to the Food Bank in Nita Stilkey’s name.

Fundraising events for the food bank occur often in Bigfork, especially in the summer months. For example, in the “Mow Downtown” event that took place in September 2017, the 19 teams of spirited lawnmower races raised funds to help support the food bank. 

Other Fundraising Events

Concerts, movie showings, and entertainment events raise money for the food bank, too.

For example, violin master Wai Mizutani and his students have often presented good-will concerts on special occasions to raise money for the food bank.