How We Help

Our mission is to provide, within our means, high quality food distributed as temporary, emergency assistance to members of the Bigfork community and surrounding areas whose income falls below the 200% poverty level as defined by the U.S. government.
We seek to:
– Serve individuals and families with dignity, compassion, respect and kindness.
– Maintain open hearts, without judgment.
– Provide a joyful, safe workplace for all who contribute their time and efforts in supporting our mission.
– Show, with grateful hearts, our appreciation to all those who support the Bigfork Food Bank with their donations of food and monetary gifts.

Comments from those we serve:

“The food bank has been a true blessing to our family. We would not be able to make it through the months without you. Thanks for everything you do. God Bless!”

“The Bigfork Food Bank has provided food on our table and wood in our home. We would not get by without it during these tough times.”

“You guys are a great resource. Not just the food but the information about other programs that you were able to provide was a huge help!”  

“Thank you for your help with food and the cheer from the very good people who volunteer.”

“The food bank is a means by which to survive. A life saving blessing in my eyes.”

Food Acquisition

The Bigfork Food Bank acquires food in several ways; purchases from local grocery stores; grocery rescue from local stores; purchases of food and donated food from the Montana Food Bank Network; and donations from local residents, including churches, businesses, clubs, and individuals. Other food banks in the Flathead Valley also share surplus food donated by supermarkets in Kalispell.


Three times each month, eligible clients are invited to shop from a wide variety of available groceries, including staples such as rice, flour, sugar, eggs, milk, pasta, cereal, peanut butter, meat and bread. We always strive to provide fresh produce and other healthy choices for individuals and families coming to shop at the Bigfork Food Bank


The Bigfork Food Bank works closely with local schools to provide healthy snacks for students throughout the day. 

Bigfork Elementary, Middle, and High School, Swan River School, and Fairmont Egan School are provided with a variety of healthy snacks, including fruits, peanut butter, crackers, granola bars, carrots, pretzels and a variety of other options to share with students, as needed. The Bigfork Food Bank also warehouses the School Backpack Program sponsored by the Bigfork Rotary Club.


Up to three times each month during the winter months, clients may receive a moderate amount of wood for assistance with home heating. All wood is donated, and all labor is volunteered. We salute these volunteers for their extremely labor intensive hard work! 

 Other Organizations

The Bigfork Food Bank shares both perishable and non-perishable food with other local and regional organizations. This includes other Food Banks in the Flathead Valley, ACES (Bigfork after-school care program), Grounded (after-school program), and others as needs arise, and we are able.  If we have perishable items that are no longer usable, we provide these to local ranches or farms as requested and available.